Tuesday 14 May 2013

enter the timeslip..............

Well, now that the last 2 years have past in a New York Minute you will be wondering where all my extremely clockwork regular blog posts have gone to!  (coughs and looks down embarrassed)  well, my very valid excuse is...life got in the way! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it :-) 

We shall have to pretend that you know everything that has happened, and I will carry on regardless!


So, I have recently discovered Pinterest!  well, thats not strictly true!  I actually discovered and signed up before I left work, but really had no clue what it really was, and never bothered too much to be honest; but as I was discovering, more and more things online have a PinIt" button, and so one day, I pressed it to see what would happen!  Well, what resulted was an afternoon glued to the Internet, and a "ToDo" list a mile long, with DIY crafts, bakes, places to go and lemons to cut in order to clean my grout!!!!!  (yeah, really!)

In essence, it is a place where you can have as many virtual corkboards as you like, and each one can have lots of links "pinned" to it, with reminders of things you like, or need, or want to look at later.  In my defence, since I have discovered it, me and DibDab have played with edible finger paints, home made play-dough, and I am going out to buy co-ordinating fabric swatches, so we can make fabric bowls as gifts. 

Since Kate and I set up our Stay & Play playgroup, we have been looking for pre-school activities for our group, and have found a couple of websites with brilliant ideas, so my "craft board" on Pinterest is getting full with some lovely ideas.

The edible finger paints were fab, a really strange texture, but the colours were surprisingly vibrant, and it made really good handprints.  The best part was it didnt stain.  Even though little man wore an apron, it naturally ended up all over his clothes (and mine where he patted me to show off his work)  but straight in the washer, and no stains at all.   I got loads out of one batch, and was able to make all 7 colours of the rainbow, and we talked about colours and identifying them as we painted. 
For those of you not on Pinterest (as I know I have a huuuuuuge following, who will all be desperate to rush home and make this)  the recipe is:
3tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup cornflour
2 cups water
food colouring of your choice
Bung everything except colours in a pan, and gently heat till it thickens!   pop into seperate bowls and stir in your colours.  Thats it, as easy as that.  Not quite sure how it stores to be completely honest, as i put it in paper bowls, and so won't store it this time, but some little jars may work. 
well, thats it for now.  Time to go pick up Kipper from school and am sure he will want to paint when he sees whats out on the table, so more pictures later.

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