Friday 29 July 2011

Their cries were heard!

The new 100 word challenge from
This weeks prompt was " their cries were heard..."

The noise went on, a constant ringing - the kind that gets behind your eyes and throbs in your temples. Suddenly there were people everywhere, chaos, a plethora of feet stampeding towards the nearest exit. This was the signal they had been waiting for, a chance to make a run for it. Could they be seen? They didn't care. it was now or never!

A pair of eyes gazed down at them through the tinted glass of the window, spectacles halfway down the nose, and as they ran, their cries were heard.....

"it's finally the end of school, happy holidays everyone!"

An unofficial lady of leisure!

Well the Sumer holidays have started in earnest. I have worked the last two days that I was meant to, and although I am still technically employed till the 31st August, I have finished work for the summer.
All the housework that I have been putting off to do when I finish work is still mounting up, and me and the boys are having lazy days.

It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, leaving work. Everyone moans about going to work don't they.... I mean the alarm goes off on a morning, and nearly everyone sticks one hand out from under the duvet and hits snooze, with a murmured "5 more minutes" and I was no different. And let's face it, what would we all do if those winning numbers came in on a Saturday night! But when it came to actually saying goodbye to my friends and colleagues, I cried like a baby! Everyone was so kind, and I got some lovely cards and gifts, a voucher which I am going to use to buy a nice photo frame to capture memories of the next three years, and a huge card in which all the children had written their names and some lovely messages like "goodbye computer jenius" (sic).

Anyway that was the Thursday, I had Friday off, and then was back in on Monday and Tuesday to finish off. I cleared a load of rubbish, backed up my laptop documents and handed in my door fob and came away.

So what now..... Well I am going to Washington on Sunday to buy cake supplies with my friend and ex-colleague and then after that we shall see. Time with the boys, playgroups, days out, lazy days in, but most of all, just being a mum. As one of my friends wrote in a card, it may be more stressful than printers and laptops at times but so much more rewarding!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

The 100 word challenge for Grown-ups

100 Word challenge for Grown-ups
I came across this website from a recommended link on Twitter, and thought I would give it a go!

He sat, watching the world go by… men with pushchairs; ladies with briefcases; children clutching sweets in hot sticky fingers – and he thought how much had changed, how much had he seen alter through the years.
It never used to be like that, but were things better nowadays? Do people ever just sit and watch, like he did.
Just those few minutes respite had gave him chance to reflect and evaluate, did he want to re-enter the rat race, join back in with the humdrum ways of a non-stop life?

He sat back and thought about it all some more.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

The big decision!!!

Well, it's official, the letter has gone it to the boss - I have told everyone and there is no going back now..... I am officially a housewife as of July 31st 2011!

Working solely to pay a childminder isn't fun anymore.  Besides, I no longer care that the printers at school aren't working - not that me and printers have ever really been best friends, as any of my nearly ex colleagues could tell you.  But some things haven't changed... I am still really excited by technological innovations and how they can be embedded into the curriculum, or how children can have fun whilst learning loads of discreet skills playing things like Angry Birds, which was recently demonstrated at the last Northern Grid Conference I attended.

I suppose really, the aim of this blog is to become a diary of things I do with my time, my children and my own professional development during my time off.  (As much as I love Cbeebies, there is only so much Justin an adult can take!)  There may be entries relating to things we have done at playgroup, or new recipes I have come across.  Hopefully there will be entries regarding new ICT advances, as one thing that does worry me is how fast things are moving, and how will I keep up, when I return to work in a few years time.

I hope people enjoy following and reading it, but even if not, I can look back with my children and say "That is what we did when you were little".