Friday 29 July 2011

An unofficial lady of leisure!

Well the Sumer holidays have started in earnest. I have worked the last two days that I was meant to, and although I am still technically employed till the 31st August, I have finished work for the summer.
All the housework that I have been putting off to do when I finish work is still mounting up, and me and the boys are having lazy days.

It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, leaving work. Everyone moans about going to work don't they.... I mean the alarm goes off on a morning, and nearly everyone sticks one hand out from under the duvet and hits snooze, with a murmured "5 more minutes" and I was no different. And let's face it, what would we all do if those winning numbers came in on a Saturday night! But when it came to actually saying goodbye to my friends and colleagues, I cried like a baby! Everyone was so kind, and I got some lovely cards and gifts, a voucher which I am going to use to buy a nice photo frame to capture memories of the next three years, and a huge card in which all the children had written their names and some lovely messages like "goodbye computer jenius" (sic).

Anyway that was the Thursday, I had Friday off, and then was back in on Monday and Tuesday to finish off. I cleared a load of rubbish, backed up my laptop documents and handed in my door fob and came away.

So what now..... Well I am going to Washington on Sunday to buy cake supplies with my friend and ex-colleague and then after that we shall see. Time with the boys, playgroups, days out, lazy days in, but most of all, just being a mum. As one of my friends wrote in a card, it may be more stressful than printers and laptops at times but so much more rewarding!

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