Tuesday 19 July 2011

The 100 word challenge for Grown-ups

100 Word challenge for Grown-ups
I came across this website from a recommended link on Twitter, and thought I would give it a go!

He sat, watching the world go by… men with pushchairs; ladies with briefcases; children clutching sweets in hot sticky fingers – and he thought how much had changed, how much had he seen alter through the years.
It never used to be like that, but were things better nowadays? Do people ever just sit and watch, like he did.
Just those few minutes respite had gave him chance to reflect and evaluate, did he want to re-enter the rat race, join back in with the humdrum ways of a non-stop life?

He sat back and thought about it all some more.


  1. Hello Alex! Welcome to the mad whirlwind that is the 100 Word Challenge! This is a stunning piece. Really though provoking because we do rush around too much don't we.I do hope you will become a regular contributor to the weekly challenge. Thanks again for taking up the challenge this week.

  2. Like the reflecting on how life has changed. Think it must be very tough if one opts out, then to consider re-entering . . .

  3. I think one would think more than once before hopping back in to the busy world he sees in front of him, it must be so nice to sit and watch it all pass you by with no worries.

  4. Ah how lucky he is eh, what I would give for some to sit and think. Lovely piece of writing.

  5. Thanks for all your lovely comments. I have just given up work for 3 years or so, to be a full time mum to my boys, and guess it was on my mind when I was writing this. Looking forward to the next challenge. Thanks again!

  6. Love your opening and the change of the times x

  7. People watching, a great way to spend the day. x
